Diverse Campus: Interactive Micro Sites, Scholarships, Profile Pages, Directory

Diverse Campus is a crucial resource connecting students with colleges for recruitment. Our microsites and profile pages showcase unique institutional identities while providing fully updatable information. Designed with user-friendly navigation and data insights, and information on grants and scholarships, our platform enhances the recruitment experience. We aim to promote an inclusive academic community by helping institutions reach a broader, diverse audience. Discover how our microsites can strengthen your school’s engagement with prospective students and faculty.

Minority Times : Minority Community News, Information, Interactive Magazine

Minority Times has been a vital resource for over 20 years, supporting minority students & job seekers with news, and opportunities. We empower our subscribers to pursue their education and employment goals while navigating equality and access dynamics. Our magazine reach students, professionals, and educational administrators. Our focus on diversity and equality positions us as a premier online source for job and education opportunities. With our dedicated minority outreach network, we engage a diverse community committed to fostering success in education and career paths.

College Minority: Higher Education News, Information, Interactive Magazine

The College Minority is dedicated to supporting minority students and professionals in higher education. We offer insights, resources, and community support to help you succeed academically and professionally. Together with our higher education partners, we tackle the challenges faced by underserved communities, believing that everyone deserves a chance to thrive, regardless of their background. Join us to explore strategies, industry trends, and connections with employers seeking diverse talent. Together, we can create pathways to success and empowerment!

Diversity Recruit: Career Hub & Job Board for Minorities and LGBTQ

Diversity Recruit is a leading job board that connects LGBTQ and minority job seekers with employers committed to diversity and inclusion. Our database matches qualified candidates with jobs in various industries. We partner with schools, community groups, and diverse organizations to offer great career opportunities, including internships for diverse individuals. Our mission is to promote workforce diversity and ensure all job seekers have fair access to fulfilling job opportunities that fit their skills and goals.

Diversity Employer: Best Practices & Compliance, Magazine & Banners

Diversity Employer focuses on improving workplace diversity by educating about its benefits. We offer tools and metrics to help organizations create fair workplaces and support businesses, healthcare, and government in building inclusive environments. Advertising in our magazine or on our website helps companies show their commitment to diversity, attract diverse talent, and gain a competitive advantage. Partner with us to enhance your brand as a Diversity Employer and promote equitable workplaces.

Black Employment News: Employment Equality News, Interactive Magazine
Black Employment News
Website & Magazine

Black people have been vital to the U.S. since its inception. Despite some progress toward equality, more work is needed. To assist, we created the Black Employment News and digital magazine to support the Black community with news, information, & resources for success. With unemployment rates for Blacks in some states reaching 18%, our site aims to connect Black individuals opportunities and valuable information. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between talent and opportunity and being a reliable resource for all.